89015, Henderson, Nevada - August 1, 2018
Automotive Locksmiths$78.61 - $83.08 for car lockout service Manhours for car locksmith service are included. Estimate includes mobile service to gain entry into locked car. However, it does not include after-hours and weekend calls, fuel surcharges, car key replacement, or key extraction.
Reported by: ProMatcher Research Team |
89015, Henderson, Nevada - July 31, 2018
Locksmith$63.68 - $68.66 for house lockout service Labor for locksmith services is included in estimate. Cost accounts for letting someone into their home after getting locked out. Items not included: lock replacement, fuel surcharges, or holiday and weekend calls.
Reported by: ProMatcher Research Team |
89199, Las Vegas, Nevada - August 1, 2018
Automotive Locksmiths$80.50 - $85.09 for car lockout service Price quote considers the cost of car locksmith service. Items included: mobile service to gain entry into locked car. Cost excludes after-hours and weekend calls, fuel surcharges, car key replacement, or key extraction.
Reported by: ProMatcher Research Team |
89030, North Las Vegas, Nevada - August 1, 2018
Automotive Locksmiths$77.97 - $82.41 for car lockout service This is a general cost for car locksmith service. Estimate takes into account vehicle lockout service to unlock car door. Excludes after-hours and weekend calls, fuel surcharges, car key replacement, or key extraction.
Reported by: ProMatcher Research Team |
89030, North Las Vegas, Nevada - July 31, 2018
Locksmith$63.17 - $68.10 for house lockout service Cost includes residential locksmith. Includes picking lock to let someone into their home (without damaging existing locks). Items excluded: calls outside of normal business hours, mileage charges, or rekeying locks.
Reported by: ProMatcher Research Team |
89199, Las Vegas, Nevada - July 31, 2018
Locksmith$65.22 - $70.31 for house lockout service Manhours for locksmith services are included in cost. Estimate includes emergency lockout service for residential property (should take no longer than 30 minutes). Items excluded: lock replacement, fuel surcharges, or holiday and weekend calls.
Reported by: ProMatcher Research Team |