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How Much Does Locksmith Charge for Home Lockout Service?

The average cost of a residential lockout service ranges from $53.00 to $150.00.
Updated: 07/06/2017
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Locked out of your house? Lost your house keys? These are just a few of the reasons why you may need the services of a locksmith.

We have collected data from locksmiths around the country to help calculate the average cost of a home lockout service. Check out the table below to see how the prices varies in a few different U.S. cities. As you can see, where you live may have a major influence on the total cost.

Average Home Lockout Service Prices
Alexandria, VA$90.24 - $97.29
Atlanta, GA$61.18 - $65.96
Boston, MA$84.80 - $91.43
Burlington, VT$77.12 - $83.15
Chicago, IL$74.82 - $80.66
Everett, WA$71.23 - $76.80
Flagstaff, AZ$73.54 - $79.28
Indianapolis, IN$55.81 - $60.17
New Orleans, LA$64.13 - $69.14
New York, NY$138.69 - $149.52
Oakland, CA$89.02 - $95.98
Orlando, FL$62.59 - $67.48
Toledo, OH$60.16 - $64.86
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Don't see your city listed here? Find more local pricing information in ProMatcher's Locksmith Pricing Guide.

Other items that may impact the cost:

1. Distance travelled by locksmith
You may see a mileage or fuel charge on your bill if the locksmith must travel more than 10 miles to reach you.

2. Complexity of lock system
This can impact the time required to unlock the door.

3. Replacement locks
Installing new locks will cost extra.

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